2-AEP and Anti-Aging
Dr. Nieper was able to demonstrate that the primary component in Membrane Integrity Factor®, 2-AEP (combined with Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium) decreases the permeability of the cellular membrane to foreign substances. 2-AEP increases membrane integrity by sealing membrane pores, thus protecting the cell from penetration by toxins, bacteria and viruses."
Free-lipid pores are defective pores that permit unwanted agents to penetrate the cell membrane with toxins (which causes aging). 2-AEP is a bio-chemical component of cell membranes, it also has the ability to form a complex with minerals and transport them to the cell membrane. "Therefore, Membrane Integrity Factor® helps protect cells." (3)
"From approximately 1963 on, we started to apply 2-AEP (combined with Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium) clinically with the intention of protecting the cell membranes against unwanted intruders, e.g. antibodies, toxins and viruses. These unwanted intruders can only enter through the so-called free lipid pore of the cell membrane. We presumed, therefore, that the supply of this 2-AEP would have a special sealing function. Our expectation proved to be correct." – Dr. Nieper (1)
In addition, the 2-AEP is necessary to retain the electrical charges of the Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium ions on the membrane surface.
The 2-AEP is indispensable in supporting the condenser function of the cell membrane which plays such an active role in disease prevention. As such, 2-AEP provides an immune-protective effect, which was shown in extensive electron microscopic research by Moenninghoff and his collaborators at the University of Munster, Westphalia (1971). (6-14)

2-AEP is essential to lining calcium, magnesium and potassium, on the membrane surface of the cells to build or rebuild cell membranes. During the last 24 years, we have been able to observe that for patients taking 2-AEP (combined with Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium), the development of thrombosis, circulation problems, high blood pressure and the progression of varicose veins is almost entirely eliminated. This is surely related to the fact that by administering 2-AEP, the condenser functions of the cell membrane systems are repaired and maintained at an optimal level. Naturally, this is accompanied by genuine youthfulness of the biological frame and certainly a substantially-increased life span. 2-AEP is also remarkable effective against damage from extreme exposure to the sun, in particular, sunburn. Fortunately, cell aging caused by exceedingly strong light and UV radiation is prevented, or at least contained, by 2-AEP. This would mean that a longer life span could be attained." – Dr. Nieper (1)
"In the U.S., some 24 million people suffer from decalcification of the bone system; some 1.45 million experience spontaneous bone fractures every year. In my opinion, there is no alternative to a-AEP (combined with Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium) for treatment of bone decalcification." (1)
"At the convention at the Waldorf Astoria at the end of June 1987, I proposed to name the new ingredient; "the Membrane Integrity Factor". Since then it appears that the term "Membrane Integrity Factor®" was well chosen and lucid enough, so that both physicians and educated laymen get an understanding of the function of this new vitamin. This would be important for widespread application and significant progress in protective and preventative medicine." (1)
"Dr. Hans A. Nieper received the International patents for 2-AEP as an "active mineral transporter" and for its therapeutic effects. The Patent Specification document for 2-AEP (combined with Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium) issued by The Patent Office of London states:
1. Autoimmune Diseases:
- Colitis Ulceros and Mucosa
- Hepatitis (chronic and non cirrhotic)
- Chronic Nephritis and associated Hypertension
- Nephrosclerosis, Malignant, and associated fixed Hypertension
- Myocarditis, Jaffe's Myocarditis, Post-infarct Syndrome
- Post-cardiotomy Syndrome
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Osteonecrosis
- Rheumatic manifestations, including Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheumatic Fever, Myocarditis
- Sclerodermia
- Chronic Inflammation with or without Tuberculosis
2. Allergic Diseases
3. Inflammatory Diseases:
4. Eczema
5. Smooth Muscle Spasma:
- Intestinal
- Gastric
- Bronchial (Asthma)
6. Lupus Erythematosus
7. Gastritis
8. Tuberculosis
9. Osteoporosis
10. Aging
11. Juvenile Diabetis
12. Treatment and diagnosis of Cancer
13. Progressive Muscle Dystrophy
14. Angiosmastic Hypertension
15. Chronic Encephalitis
16. Spondylitis Osteoporosis
17. Intersticial Pulmonary Fibrosis
18. Myalgia
19. Breast Induration
20. Consolidation of Bone Fracture
2 -AEP References:
1. Nieper MD, Hans A. "The New Vitamin Mi" (Aug/Sept 1988 - translated from Raum & Zeit, German Space & Time) Australasian Health & Healing (July 1996)
2. Alexander III, Ph.D., Arthur D. "CALCIUM 2-AEP: An Orthomolecular Adjunct to the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes and Asthma" (April, 1997)
3. Nieper, Hans A., Eagle-Oden, G. S. and Alexander III, Arthur D. "THE MINERAL TRANSPORTERS" The Curious Man (1999): 62-65
4. Nieper, Hans A. "EXAMPLE: Diabetes Mellitus (diabetes)" Dr. Nieper's Revolution in Technology, Medicine and Society (May, 1985): 218
5. Nieper, Hans A. (December, 1995) Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients
6. Capraro. V., Giordana, B., Hanozet, G.M., Parenti, P. and Sacchi, V.F., "Potassium-Dependent Amino Acid Transport in Lepidoptera", from "Membrane Transport Driven by Ion Gradients" (Semeza and Kinne, Eds.),Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 456, pp 248-249; 1985.
7. Wingrove, Theresa G. and Kimmich, George A., "The Characterization of Intestinal Acidic Amino-Acid Transport", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 456, pp 80-82; 1985.
8. A. Alan Eddy, "Sodium Cotransport Systems and the Membrane Potential Difference", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 456, pp 51-52; 1985.
9. Schultz, S.G., Hudson, R.L. and Lapoint, J., "Electrophysiological Studies of Sodium Cotranport in Epithelia: Toward a Cellular Model", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 456, pp 127-135; 1985.
10. Murer, H., Ahearn, G., Amstutz, M., Bider, J., Brown, C., Gmaj, P., Hagenbuch, B., Malstrom, K., Mohrmann, I., Mohrmann, M. and Stange, G., "Cotransport Systems for Inorganic Sulfate and Phosphate in Small Intestine and Renal Proximal Tubule", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 456, pp 139-152; 1985.
11. Grinstein, S., Goetz, J.D., Cohen, S., Rothstein,A. and Gelfand, E.W., "Regulation of Na+ / H+ Exchange in Lymphocytes", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 456, pp 207-219; 1985.
12. Harold, F.M. and Kakinuma, Y., "Primary and Secondary Transport of Cations in Bacteria", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 456, pp 375-383; 1985.
13. El-Gewely, M.R. and Oxender, D.L., "Gene Transfer and Cloning of the Amino-Acid Transport System L from Human Cells", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 456, pp 417-418; 1985.
14. Arthur D. Alexander, "Catalytic Transport of Pure Water from Saline Solutions Across the Outer 'Thin Skin' Layer of a Hydrophylic Membrane", Unpublished U.S. Patent Disclosure, March 1979.
HGHR References:
1. "The effects of Anti-Aging and HGH" in the New England Journal of Medicine 323 (1990):1-6. -- Dr. Daniel Rudman
2. "Ten Weeks To A Younger You" -- Ronald M. Klatz, M.D.